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11th July 2023

Enter the CoderDojo Birthday Giveaway!

This month we’re celebrating 12 years since the first ever CoderDojo event! Since that first Dojo in Ireland, thousands of Dojo events have taken place, thanks to thousands of volunteers in 115 countries around the world! Through your efforts almost 50,000 young people have been empowered to create with technology!  To celebrate all the incredible …

27th June 2023

Key findings from our Annual Survey

As we reflect on the results of this year’s annual survey, we recognise the incredible impact that those involved in CoderDojo have had. Below you will find some key findings from our annual survey. Thank you to everyone who filled in the survey so we could share these results. 1. Venues where Dojos are running …

26th June 2023

Five things we’ve learned from 10 years of CoderDojo Belgium

Earlier this month, our Global Community Coordinator, Izzy, caught up with members of the CoderDojo Belgium team and community. In 2012, Martine Tempels was selected as ‘ICT Woman of the Year’ by Data News, a leading publication in the Belgian market for the IT community. This nomination made Martine want to ‘inspire young people’, and …

15th June 2023

Improving the CoderDojo website experience

This year we are working on improving community members’ experience of our website and platform. Our first focus was on our website and the Dojo’s profile pages. Soon when you log in you will see a new dashboard. The functionality of the dashboard will be pared back initially, while we focus on making it more …

6th June 2023

A bright idea for a UK community

This Volunteers’ week Fred Hasson shares how he initially started CoderDojo Brighton in September 2013, and his experiences on approaching their 10th anniversary. In 2012 I met Bill Liao (Co-Founder of CoderDojo) at an entrepreneurs conference in Birmingham. He talked about many things including CoderDojo and how it had taken off. I visited the club …

3rd April 2023

5 things we learned at #ClubsCon23

Over the day and a half, more than 140 attendees participated in over 40 workshops, discussions, and talks. Here are five things we learned from the Conference!

31st January 2023

Helping young people find a Dojo

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the global CoderDojo community had to respond and adapt to a host of new circumstances. Some volunteers took on additional caring responsibilities, moved location, or no longer had access to the venues where their Dojos were hosted. A remarkable number of clubs found new and innovative ways to learn and have …

25th January 2023

What is the Clubs Conference?

The Clubs Conference is a weekend of learning and connecting for volunteers and educators involved in CoderDojo and Code Club. It will take place in Churchill College, Cambridge, UK on Friday 24 and Saturday 25 March 2023. What can I look forward to? On Friday 24 March you’ll have the opportunity to register early from …

24th January 2023

Reassuring our community about the recent CircleCI security alert

You may have heard of a recent security alert at CircleCI. We want to reassure our community that we have no reason to believe that any user data has been accessed, or is at risk, because of this incident. What is CircleCI?  CircleCI lets teams build fully-automated pipelines, from testing to deployment. Engineers can use …

19th December 2022

New resources released in 2022

As we come to the end of 2022, the CoderDojo team wants to take the opportunity to say a huge thank you to all our community members for volunteering your time and skills over the last year to support young people. As many Dojos return to in-person activities, it’s been fantastic to get out and …

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