Working safely with children

We want to ensure that all young people at CoderDojo can develop their digital skills in a fun and safe environment.

Our commitment to safeguarding

We want to ensure that all young people at CoderDojo can develop their digital skills in a fun and safe environment. CoderDojo is committed to following best practices when it comes to safeguarding, and we do all we can to make sure that Dojo champions and volunteers know how to protect themselves and the children they work with.

Anyone who starts a Dojo as a champion, or joins a Dojo as a volunteer, must:

  1. Complete our safeguarding training as part of the process. The interactive module takes around 30 minutes to complete and provides practical advice on safeguarding that will help you create a safe learning environment for everyone you engage with.
  2. Complete any necessary background checks needed to work with young people, as specified by law in the Dojo’s region. See examples of applicable background checks.

Safeguarding policy

Our commitment to following best practices that promote the welfare of all children, young people, and vulnerable adults is set out in our safeguarding policy.

Zoom call illustration

How to report a safeguarding concern

A safeguarding concern is anything that makes you worried about a child’s safety or welfare. If you have any safeguarding concerns, please report them to the people who manage the Dojo venue, and also complete our safeguarding report form as soon as possible.

You can also contact us on [email protected], or if you have an urgent concern, call our free safeguarding number +44 (0)800 1337 112, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you believe a child is in immediate danger, you should contact the emergency services in your area straight away, before notifying us.


We’ve put together some easy-to-follow guidelines for keeping young people safe.

Man mentoring a boy with a laptop

Training for volunteers

Learn about effective safeguarding practices and how to support young people to explore technology in an informal, creative, and social environment.

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