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30th July 2024

Benefits of youth mentoring – Three children’s experiences

CoderDojo is all about providing learning opportunities for young people. As we celebrate thirteen years since the first ever Dojo event, we’re shining a spotlight on the experiences of three youth mentors from Greece, as well as the benefits of peer-mentoring within CoderDojo. Youth mentoring benefits everyone Having youth mentors in your Dojo offers a …

23rd July 2024

Celebrating 13 years of our amazing community

Today, 23 July, marks 13 years since the first ever CoderDojo event, which was held in Cork, Ireland! It’s a remarkable milestone that we couldn’t have reached without the incredible dedication of CoderDojo volunteers, and all those involved in supporting CoderDojo around the world. To mark this occasion, we wanted to highlight some of the …

22nd March 2024

The latest CoderDojo platform features

We recently launched a brand new CoderDojo platform that is faster, and more user-friendly. Read on to learn more about the latest features we’ve added, including: email functionality, event cancellation and the ability to subscribe to Dojo updates on the platform. Event booking confirmation email When parents or guardians book a ticket to a Dojo …

8th March 2024

Switching to our Code Editor in projects

We have created an online text-based Code Editor to help young people aged 7 and older learn to write code. A code editor is a tool to write code in a programming language for a computer program. Our Code Editor is free and designed for young people.  Over the last eleven months we have improved …

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