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28th August 2020

Three options for running your CoderDojo sessions

This year, the global CoderDojo community has had to adapt to a host of new circumstances in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Despite many Dojos around the world having to pause their sessions earlier this year, a remarkable number of clubs found new and innovative ways to learn, connect, and have fun. You may be …

19th August 2020

Resources to help you get #BackToDojo in 2020

It’s been a year unlike any other; like many others, the global CoderDojo community has had to adapt to a whole host of new circumstances in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Despite many Dojos around the world having to pause their sessions earlier this year, a remarkable number of clubs found new and innovative ways …

6th August 2020

How the Vsetín Dojo welcomed change and made new connections

Earlier this month, my colleague Sonja and I caught up with Vsetín Dojo champion, Petra. She shared with us how their Dojo made new connections during lockdown and has started the process of meeting again in person. Petra’s library-based Dojo in the Czech Republic has been running since May 2019 and the group was still …

16th July 2020

New beginnings at the Leusden Dojo

Earlier this month, my colleague Sonja and I caught up with Leusden Dojo champion, Martijn. We learned about how the Leusden Dojo is resuming face-to-face sessions, and the adaptations and opportunities related to this transition. A sense of community Martijn is the champion of the Leusden Dojo in the Netherlands, which started running in October …

10th July 2020

How can Dojos run during a global pandemic?

Over the last four months I have been asking this question and I have been amazed by the enthusiasm and perseverance shown by CoderDojo volunteers around the world.  Volunteers thoughtfully decided when it was right for them to pause hosting their in-person sessions in their country. Some began sending resources to parents (like our step-by-step …

18th June 2020

How the CoderDojo community in Japan has adapted to change

In early June, Lucia Manzitti, Head of Code Club UK and Ireland, caught up with Yohei Yasukawa, co-founder of the CoderDojo Japan Association regional body, via video conference (you can learn more about CoderDojo regional bodies here). Lucia learned about how the CoderDojo Japan Association has adapted its model to support the CoderDojo community in …

12th June 2020

Annual survey results 2019

Every year, the team at the CoderDojo Foundation carries out an annual survey. All verified Dojos from around the world are invited to tell us about their club and experiences.  Of course, a lot has changed since we conducted the annual survey in the autumn of last year. The restrictions have meant that most Dojos …

27th May 2020

Connecting with Raspberry Pi accounts — more benefits, one account!

Our development team have been working hard over the last few months to deliver additional benefits to all our community members on the CoderDojo platform. By connecting your CoderDojo account with Raspberry Pi Foundation accounts (this platform belongs to the wider Foundation that CoderDojo is a part of), you will be able to avail of …

2nd April 2020

World Autism Awareness Day: Supporting young people during unusual times

World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated internationally on 2 April each year. For us, it’s a time to recognise all the people with autism who play integral roles in our community. This year, the day occurs during an unprecedented time—the COVID-19 pandemic. We will look at the impact CoderDojo has had on some members of our …

24th March 2020

A group of changemakers!

Vasu is the Club Programme Coordinator for India with the Raspberry Pi Foundation. In this blog, Vasu shares how a group of dedicated college students in Bengaluru took the initiative to start several Dojos in their community.   I met Mr. Jagadeesh, the placement head at APS College of Engineering in Bengaluru, India, at an …

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