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30th October 2018

CoderDojo Foundation report Q3 2018

Can you believe we have now reached 1932 Dojos in 110 countries across the world? In Q3 we verified 146 new Dojos. Excitingly, we saw our very first Dojos registered in Afghanistan, Mozambique, Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, and the Cayman Islands. Get a pdf version of our Q3 report.

23rd October 2018

Library Focus: How Ivan found a perfect fit with CoderDojo

Libraries have proven to be great spaces to host Dojos. As highlighted in our CoderDojo in the Library handbook, they are perfect for bringing young people together to learn about technology. Ivan Silva, works in his community’s local Belvedere Tiburon Library. He decided to start a Dojo there back in 2013 and hasn’t looked back …

19th October 2018

Celebrating Libraries at EUDojo 2018

On Wednesday 17 October, CoderDojo held our sixth annual EUDojo in the European Parliament in Brussels. Since last year’s event, CoderDojo has grown significantly, with almost 500 new Dojos. It is incredible that this Irish-founded initiative has turned into a global phenomenon, with clubs in over 100 countries worldwide. EUDojo coincides with the sixth year of …

16th October 2018

Supporting DojoCons in the future

DojoCons are community-led conferences specifically tailored to volunteers, where they share with and learn from each other. Dojocon attendees are champions, mentors, and anyone else who is involved or interested in getting involved in the CoderDojo movement. These conferences feature keynote speeches, seminars led by professionals from the educational and digital technology sectors, and workshops …

15th October 2018

Library Focus: Experiences from Blanchardstown Dojo

Libraries have proven to be great spaces to host Dojos, as highlighted in our CoderDojo in the Library handbook. Conor Hennessy, who works in Blanchardstown Library, decided to start a Dojo this year. Here he shares his experience of running the club and his advice for others thinking of starting a Dojo themselves: As libraries …

11th October 2018

Utilising Targeted Invites To Attract and Retain Girls in Dojos!

At CoderDojo we think it’s paramount that all of us together make a conscious, consistent, and collaborative effort to increase the number of girls who learn how to create with technology. To give you practical advice about this for your clubs, we’ve been gathering data over the past few months, and today we’ll tell you …

19th September 2018

A new homepage for Zen

Zen, our community platform, has been serving hundreds of Dojos for several years now by helping them find mentors and manage their events. It has grown from a small experiment to a much bigger project, and because big projects need a bit more structure, we’ve spent a few weeks giving Zen a much needed homepage …

19th September 2018

4 future-proof skills, and how Dojos promote them

Thanks to the TriValley CoderDojo team for letting us adapt a blog post written by Dojo volunteer, Kalyn, so we can share their insights here. You can read their post on the TriValley CoderDojo website. CoderDojo is unique in many ways, not least of which is that, beyond coding and confidence with technology, it fosters …

17th September 2018

CoderDojo Foundation report Q1 and Q2 2018

The first half of 2018 was incredibly busy for us, from taking over the running of Coolest Projects International, to focusing on developing resources for new and existing Dojos! We verified 363 new Dojos in this period, a 24% increase that brings the grand total of active Dojos worldwide to 1860 spread across 95 countries. …

13th September 2018

Encouraging computational thinking offline with Unplugged activities

Unplugged activities are coding and coding-related activities that don’t require a computer. Lots of these are computational thinking tasks; learning to look at, break down, and design solutions to problems in the same way computer programmers do. These short activities are fantastic to introduce in your Dojo as icebreakers to help new Ninjas feel relaxed …

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