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17th July 2019

Join our next #ChatDojo discussion — 22 October 2019

We are very excited to be hosting our next #Chat Dojo Twitter discussion on 22 October 2019, from 9am-11am GMT+1. To get an idea of what’s in store, you can take a look at the highlights from our June Twitter chat below! Highlights of our #ChatDojo Discussion – June On June 23 we held a …

28th June 2019

How to train new mentors for your club

Dojos are often looking for innovative ways to support and encourage parents and other potential volunteers to become CoderDojo mentors. You may find that potential volunteers are very enthusiastic about young people learning new creative skills, but they may need encouragement to try coding so that they have the confidence to get more involved.  Over …

13th June 2019

4 new projects to help you learn HTML, CSS and Javascript!

Check out the four latest projects developed by our content team which cover HTML, CSS and Javascript. We’ve sorted them according to their difficulty, from beginner to intermediate, so young people can progress through each new project, as they master skills from the previous project.   My favourite celebrity This beginner web development project brings …

7th June 2019

CoderDojo Foundation – Annual Report and Audit 2018

We are delighted to release our annual report and audit on the activities and success of the CoderDojo movement during 2018. It’s been another fantastic year for the Foundation and the global community that we support. In 2018 we celebrated 7 years of CoderDojo, supported Dojos in over 100 countries, launched in person training for …

7th June 2019

Opening new doors for young Travellers with CoderDojo

John Madden is a coordinator at Involve, an organisation that works to widen youth services for young people from the Traveller community in Ireland; involve, formerly the National Association of Traveller Centres, has the aim to improve the lives of young Travellers through inclusion and development. John shares the story of why he introduced CoderDojo …

5th June 2019

A Guide to making your Dojo more accessible

Accessibility is a founding principle of the CoderDojo movement: our vision is that all young people should have the opportunity to learn about technology and be creative in a safe and social environment. Leading by example Prior to releasing this guide, multiple Dojo organisers noted how they wanted to make their Dojo more accessible, but …

28th May 2019

5 courses to develop your technical mentoring skills

When we asked volunteers what motivated them to get involved in their local Dojo one quarter mentioned ‘learning new skills’. Our online training courses provide a practical and free way for you to learn new skills to suit your schedule. You can then practice and develop these skills in future Dojo sessions so even more …

27th May 2019

Save Kittens with code at your Dojo!

Are you looking for a fun online resource to engage young people at your upcoming session? Erase All Kittens is a Mario-style game designed to inspire children to code, whilst giving a gentle introduction to professional programming skills, such as HTML. The online game is set in a magical internet universe where players need to …

16th May 2019

CoderDojo Foundation Report Q1 2019

Our Quarter 1 was all about celebrating our worldwide community and creating more great support in more languages. We also welcomed a new member to our community team, in what has been a record-breaking quarter for new Dojo verifications. Here are some highlights of the great work the team has been doing. Get a pdf version …

25th April 2019

How Dona’s experience of running a CoderDojo club has helped her personally

Dona, has been coding and working with computers for several decades, even though it was not her profession. Below she shares how she initially started a CoderDojo club in WestSound (Washington State, USA) and the opportunities it has given her and other young people in the locality. I founded my leadership and management consulting firm 24 …

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