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21st February 2019

The Champions’ Handbook is now available in six languages!

This International Mother Language Day we are delighted to announce that The Champions’ Handbook is now available in six languages. We have translated this valuable tool for those interested in or already running a CoderDojo club worldwide into Spanish, German, Italian, French, English and Swedish. The Champions Handbook is your complete guide to setting up …

20th February 2019

Annual survey results 2018

Every year we carry out the CoderDojo Annual Survey. All verified Dojos from around the world are invited to tell us about their club and share their experiences. The results gathered from this survey helps the Foundation know the ever-evolving community and their current experiences. This enables us to better support our community of volunteers …

12th February 2019

An early spring clean of our Dojo database

Throughout the year the CoderDojo Foundation team reaches out to Dojos with updates and to see how they are getting on – through our newsletters, social channels, webinars and in-person events. Once a year, we do this more systematically to be sure each Dojo has been contacted and had the opportunity to ask questions or …

7th February 2019

Our top 5 handbooks to learn more about CoderDojo!

We’ve compiled our top 5 handbooks for learning more about how to get the best out of CoderDojo. If you are a Champion, mentor or parent, if you want to encourage more girls to be involved or if are interested in setting up your own regional mentors conference (DojoCon) or regional Coolest Projects event, these …

5th February 2019

5 resources for Internet Safety Day

This internet safety day we want to highlight that the internet is an amazing tool and an integral resource for young people and adults who are learning to create with code. However, it is necessary to take measures to ensure that young people are protected when they are using the internet, both within a Dojo …

1st February 2019

How to nominate volunteers for an appreciation pack!

Volunteers are the backbone of CoderDojo. Our volunteers come from all walks of life. They are parents, students, engineers, designers, educators, librarians, youth workers and much more! This month we want to say thank you, and celebrate the twelve thousand volunteers around the world who give their time and energy to support young people in …

23rd January 2019

How CoderDojo Indiana hosted a parents’ workshop — and how you can too!

Parents and guardians play a huge part in the CoderDojo movement — they make it possible for young people to get involved, support their children to learn and create, and sometimes become involved themselves as volunteers! A parent-focused session In July, the team at CoderDojo Indiana hosted their third annual Hackathon. This was attended by …

18th January 2019

Upcoming Community Webinar – Join us!

Our regular CoderDojo community webinars are an excellent opportunity for Dojos to connect and learn from each other’s experiences. Listen in, learn, get support and share your ideas with other CoderDojo volunteers around the world. You will also have an opportunity to ask CoderDojo Foundation members any questions you might have. Our upcoming call is …

8th January 2019

7 Online courses to develop your mentor skills in 2019

It’s that time of year when many Dojos are returning back after the new year. To help you get back into the swing of things we’re highlighting some of the awesome free online courses you and your mentors can take part in to upskill in in 2019! Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at …

4th January 2019

From the Californian Wildfires, how one Dojo rose from the ashes…

  From the Californian Wildfires, how a Dojo rose from the ashes… After a wildfire engulfed the Makerspace she and others had spent two years building, Candace was faced with the challenge of starting anew… In the fall of 2017, a giant wildfire ripped through Northern California, and large parts of Santa Rosa. No one …

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