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29th March 2018

Coolest Projects: How Kavi created her smart lifestyle app, Chew IQ!

As Coolest Projects International 2018 fast approaches, we are continuing to share inspiring stories from participants of last year’s event. This week, Kavi tells us about her awesome project and recalls her Coolest Projects journey. Kavi is a member of Tiburon CoderDojo @ BelTib Library in California, and she was 15 years old at the …

26th March 2018

CoderDojo Annual Survey Results 2017

In November, we opened the CoderDojo Annual Survey. All Dojos running regularly across 75 countries were invited to share their experiences. The information from the Annual Survey helps us determine the impact that the CoderDojo movement is having and it allows the Foundation to receive feedback on what the community needs to guide our future …

26th March 2018

Project Registration Deadline Extended for Coolest Projects

Our project applications are almost capacity! Given the feedback we’ve received from eager participants we are extending the project registration deadline for the Coolest Projects International showcase and our regional event, Coolest Projects UK  until Monday, 2 April at midnight GMT+1. Coolest Projects International on Saturday 26 May is not just a competition, it’s a celebration …

26th March 2018

Coolest Projects: Tayra’s awesome game to encourage healthy eating

Over the past few weeks we have featured some amazing stories from participants of last year’s Coolest Projects event. This week, we have been lucky to hear from Tayra, a Ninja at the Weda Dojo in Bulgaria. Tayra was 8 years old when she took part in Coolest Projects ‘17 with her awesome project, ABCD …

24th March 2018

Help by Volunteering at Coolest Projects International 2018

In order to run an amazing event for the hundreds of children and teens who attend and present at Coolest Projects International in Dublin on Saturday May 26th, we need volunteers like you with a wide variety of skills, non-technical or technical! Without your help we literally couldn’t run Coolest Projects International. In 2017 we …

22nd March 2018

Join the CoderDojo Open Community Call on March 27th!

Our next Open Community Call will be on Tuesday 27 March at 12:30pm GMT. The call will be facilitated by members of the CoderDojo Foundation. We want all those involved with CoderDojo around the world to join, listen in, share their insights and ask questions! The agenda for the call is: Pete and Amy will discuss and …

20th March 2018

More reasons to publish events on the CoderDojo Platform

We’re always working on ways to help Dojos get more value out of the Dojo events they publish on the CoderDojo platform, Zen. Here are the top releases we’ve completed in the last 30 days to achieve this goal. Using your events to make finding easier If you use event management and ticketing on the …

16th March 2018

Coolest Projects: How Jeroen’s app can support refugee communities

As part of our Coolest Projects youth stories, we have been speaking to some participants of last year’s event and hearing all about their awesome Coolest Projects experiences. This time, Jeroen has kindly shared his story with us. Jeroen was 15 when he attended the event last year, with his admirable project, Welcome Here. He …

13th March 2018

Coolest Projects: learning maths with Krum’s awesome robot

In the run-up to Coolest Projects 2018, we are continuing to share inspiring stories from a selection of participants of last year’s event. This week, we heard from Krum, who was 8 years old when he attended Coolest Projects 2017 with his awesome project, FunMatics with mBot. Krum is a Ninja at Sofia @ Telerik …

9th March 2018

Coolest Projects: Andrea’s inspiring idea to help sick children

Over the last few weeks we have been hearing from participants of last year’s Coolest Projects showcase, as part of our series of community stories. This time, we are delighted to share Andrea’s experience of Coolest Projects 2017. Andrea is a Ninja at Sofia@Muzeiko in Bulgaria and was just 7 years old when she attended …

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