
Contact Dojo

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Key Details

Usual events: on the fourth Sunday of every month. 10:00 - 12:00

This Dojo runs in-person events



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  • ノートパソコン。 (ある方はもってきてください、てぶらできても大丈夫!)
  • 保護者の方! (とても重要です) もしあなたが12歳以下の場合、セッション中は保護者の方にいてもらう方がよいです。


Subscribe to this Dojo

By subscribing to this Dojo, you will receive email updates and notifications about the Dojo, such as to upcoming events.

Upcoming events

No upcoming events

This Dojo may list their events on another website or they may encourage people to attend without booking. Please email [email protected] to find out about their upcoming events.

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