4 new projects to help you learn HTML, CSS and Javascript!

Check out the four latest projects developed by our content team which cover HTML, CSS and Javascript. We’ve sorted them according to their difficulty, from beginner to intermediate, so young people can progress through each new project, as they master skills from the previous project.


My favourite celebrity

This beginner web development project brings young people step-by-step through coding a web page about their favourite celebrity! You will learn how to style headings, add images, embed youtube videos and display a twitter profile onto a webpage! We chose Maddie Moate for our example, but young people can choose whoever they want to make a website about!


Sweet scroll

This web development project will teach young people how to use CSS classes. You will learn how to make background content on a web page move at a different speed to the foreground content. This cool website scrolling technique is called ‘parallax scroll’. In this tutorial you will create a movable web page for a cake recipe.

Guess the colour!

In this project you will learn some of the basics of JavaScript, one of the world’s most popular programming languages. You will make a colour guessing game where the player will see six different colours swatches and one set of RGB (red, green, blue) values. The player has to click on a colour to guess which colour matches the shown RGB value. You will also code a reset button to change the colours and start a new game.



To-Do List

This intermediate level project will show you how to make a to-do list web app in Javascript. You’ll be able to use this app to track whatever you want: cool programming tricks you want to learn, places to go, songs to listen to (or learn to play!), or just something as simple as things to pick up at the shops.


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A series of project cards — containing an image, project title, and short description of the project — are displayed in Spanish. A drop-down menu at the top of the page is used to select 'Français' and the projects then appear in French.


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