Community Content Release: The Scratch Game Challenge

Take learning to the next level by starting to solve problems with code!

If you want something more challenging to do in Scratch than step-by-step instructions then I’ve got just the thing here.

Created by CoderDojo Dun Laoghaire, these challenges can provide inspiration for advanced Ninjas who want to make a game in Scratch but don’t know what game. They give just enough pointers to get you thinking but leave the hard work (also knows the implementation details) to the coder.

How you choose to write the code is up to you!



Two players take turns to place an X or an O into empty spaces on a board. How do you test if a move is valid, that the player used an empty space for their X or their O? How do you figure out when somebody wins? How do you know when it’s game over? These are just some of the questions that need answering as you create a digital game of Noughts and Crosses.



Why not have a rummage in your old board game collection before the next warm up activity? Apart from being a great excuse to play battleships it will also serve as good research for anyone who is not familiar with the game ?

The battleships coding challenge drops you straight in with just a couple of tips on the game play but you don’t have to tackle the whole game at once! Build it like a pro by starting small with a simple prototype.

There’s also an additional page for mentors’ eyes only (no peeking!) that contains a few hints on some possible implementations.


Attack of the Daleks!

Detect collisions, broadcast messages and manage lots of sprites (or perhaps clones?) in an exciting strategic game where you have to get away from the Daleks so they crash into each other instead of you! Activate a special cheat and teleport yourself out of danger… but will it land you in safety? If Daleks aren’t your thing you can still make and play this game: you are the game master! You decide what those little squares will be. Frogs? Liquorice chocolate drops? Use your artistic licence and have fun.


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