Dojo Specific Logos & Mascots

CoderDojo is fundamentally about providing opportunities for young people to have fun with technology in a club based environment which is based on inclusion, innovation and creativity.

We have over 900 dojo’s verified in 65 countries worldwide. With such a diverse community it is no wonder that the logos that dojo’s have created are so varied. The differences in the logos and mascots adopted by CoderDojos worldwide reflect how the movement has been incorporated into local communities and has been adapted to reflect the contexts of CoderDojo members in each area.

We asked Dojo’s to send us their logos and mascots via twitter and our CoderDojo Global Slack Channel, here are all of those we received:

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Logo variations include:

1)Landmarks/Physical Location: Logos related to the physical location of the dojo are some of the most common alterations. For example incorporating landmarks, or images which are tied to the area. These help those who don’t know CoderDojo to be more familiar with the name as they recognise aspects of the logo from their area. Examples from Dojos include: CoderDojo Melbourne and Pesero Dojo, in Italy which incorporate the “Palla di Pomodoro” a local monument by Gio Pomodoro.

Screen Shot 2016-03-21 at 17.19.282)Characters or mascots: Some Dojos have designed their own mascots or characters which they utilise to develop a personality for their Dojo. Bulgaria’s mascot illustrates the fun, friendly and creative aspects of their dojo’s. Others build on the discourse already utilised by CoderDojo, of ninjas. The characters created by illustrator for …CoderDojo illustrate how Ninjas and Tech imagery has been combined to create witty ninja and sensei characters, such as those by Marianna Balducci. Others such as Nishinomiya & Umeda CoderDojo have created numerous characters to illustrate the diversity of their attendees. Including characters with various coloured head ties and one with glasses. Pets too have been utilised by involved members as a Dojo mascot. Cody, the dog from Midleton CoderDojo,18-month old Shih Tzu was named after CoderDojo and even met our Co-founder Bill Liao as a puppy!

logo_coloured_377x117x33)Colour: Some Dojos and regional CoderDojos have incorporated colour into their logo, such as CoderDojo Netherlands, CoderDojo Poland and CoderDojo Derry, whose logo was designed by a Dojo mentor.

As we approach CoderDojo’s fifth birthday in July, it is interesting to look at how the original logo has been adapted by our global community. Keep up the good work![View the story “CoderDojo: Global Logos & Mascots” on Storify]

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