Bishops Cleeve @ Bishops Cleeve Library

Contatta Dojo

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Dettagli Chiave

Eventi abituali: ogni due settimane il sabato. 12:30pm - 2:30pm

Questo Dojo organizza eventi dal vivo

Volontari necessari


Bishops Cleeve Library Tobyfield Road Bishops Cleeve Cheltenham GL52 8NN

Visualizza su Google Maps


Please bring:

  • A laptop if you have access to one.  If not, a limited number of library computers are available.
  • A parent! (Very important). If you are 12 or under, your parent must stay with you during the session.


Iscriviti a questo Dojo

Iscrivendosi a questo Dojo, riceverai aggiornamenti via email e notifiche sul Dojo, ad esempio per i prossimi eventi.

Prossimi eventi

Importante: se i bambini partecipanti hanno meno di 13 anni, un genitore o un tutore dovrà rimanere con loro per tutta la durata dell'evento.

18th May CoderDojo

18 maggio 2024, 12:30 - 2:30pm

15 biglietti rimasti


  • Attendees aged 12 and under must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you unless you have booked a library computer
  • You must book a place to attend

1st June CoderDojo

1 giugno 2024, 12:30 - 2:30pm

17 biglietti rimasti


  • Attendees aged 12 and under must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you unless you have booked a library computer
  • You must book a place to attend

15th June CoderDojo

15 giugno 2024, 12:30 - 2:30pm

15 biglietti rimasti


  • Attendees aged 12 and under must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you unless you have booked a library computer
  • You must book a place to attend

29th June CoderDojo

29 giugno 2024, 12:30 - 2:30pm

14 biglietti rimasti


  • Attendees aged 12 and under must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you unless you have booked a library computer
  • You must book a place to attend

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