
Contatta Dojo

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Dettagli Chiave

Eventi abituali: settimanale il sabato. 10:00am - 12:00pm

Questo Dojo organizza eventi dal vivo


Mandurah Catholic College (Library) 79 Coodanup Drive Coodanup WA 6210

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We are a free coding club for autistic and neurodivergent adolescents. We are part of the award winning Curtin Autism Academy winning the 2022 Premier Science Award in WA for STEM outreach. We are very grateful to Mandurah Catholic College who allow us to use their library every Saturday. We are supported by the Curtin Autism Research Group and a range of businesses who donate their hardware, software, and time to help us run. 

We work with Python, Unity, Blender, Space Draft, script languages (whichever the ninja wants to work with, our mentors are well-versed in many coding languages), block code (MakeCode Arcade, Scratch). We use LEGO Boost & Mindstrom robots. Please note, we are not a Minecraft club and Minecraft is not played at our CoderDojo. If your ninja has an interest in something, we will fuel that interest and guide them with their projects.  

We provide all equipment. However ninjas (that's the kids) are welcome to bring their own device. Ninjas are also free to bring along toys of interest, fidgets and any other supports required. We build the environment around the needs of your ninja. 

Please bring a plate of food to share with the group. 

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