CoderDojo Global Slack

Un modo semplice e gratuito per connettersi con la comunità CoderDojo.

What is Slack?

The CoderDojo Global Slack is a messaging app that brings the CoderDojo community and their passions together in one place. Discussions are organised into channels, so there’s a place for every topic, idea or region of the world. When you need to stop typing and and start talking you can hop on a voice or video call, all available right from CoderDojo Global Slack.

Topics include learning resources, accessibility, diversity, and online sessions. All posts in the Slack should be related to CoderDojo.

CoderDojo global slack on a laptop screen, on a desk with a person and coffee in a mug.

Join the conversation

Register an account on our Global Slack instance to join the conversation, or log in to Slack if you already created an account on the Global CoderDojo Slack.

CoderDojo chat, wherever you are.

Accedi alla nostra istanza globale di Slack, ricevi notifiche e rispondi direttamente dal tuo smartphone. Get Slack for Android

Sign in to our Global Slack instance, get notifications, and respond right from your iPhone. Get Slack for iPhone

Sign in CoderDojo Global Slack , get desktop notifications, and respond from your desktop. Get Slack on Windows, MacOSX or Linux.

Smartphone with Slack app on it

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