Ipswich @ Ipswich Makerspace

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Übliche Sitzungen: am erste Sonntag eines jeden Monats. 2:00nachmittags - 4:00nachmittags

Dieses Dojo führt persönliche Events aus

Freiwillige benötigt


Ground Floor, 11 Dove Street

Auf Google Maps anzeigen


Ipswich Makerspace holds a Coder Dojo for kids in and around the Ipswich area usually on the first Sunday of the month.

Activities will allow young people to explore projects in programming, games, cryptography, physical computing, digital art, and digital music with the support of mentors (who are fully DBS checked). Your child can bring their own project, or find one in our Big Book. We will provide Raspberry Pi's, Pico's and make BBC micro:bits available. We can also mentor on Arduino and C# projects.

Subscribe to this Dojo

By subscribing to this Dojo, you will receive email updates and notifications about the Dojo, such as to upcoming events.

Anstehende Veranstaltungen

Wichtig: Wenn Kinder jünger als 13 Jahre sind, müssen Eltern oder Erziehungsberechtigte für die Dauer der Veranstaltung bei ihnen bleiben.

Coder Dojo

6 Oktober 2024, 14:00 - 4:00nachmittags

4 verbleibende Tickets


  • All attendees must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you
  • You must book a place to attend
  • Please don’t come if you suspect you have, or are positive, for Covid-19
  • We’ll be exploring Electricity

Coder Dojo

3 November 2024, 14:00 - 4:00nachmittags

10 verbleibende Tickets


  • All attendees must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you
  • You must book a place to attend
  • Please don’t come if you suspect you have, or are positive, for Covid-19
  • We’ll be exploring Games and Puzzles

Coder Dojo

8 Dezember 2024, 14:00 - 4:00nachmittags

6 verbleibende Tickets


  • All attendees must have an adult with them
  • Remember to bring your laptop with you
  • You must book a place to attend
  • Please don’t come if you suspect you have, or are positive, for Covid-19
  • We’ll be exploring Christmassy things, blinky lights, etc

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