5 reasons to be a part of our Global Slack!

Our Global Slack platform is an online space that brings the whole CoderDojo community together. Conversation topics are organised into different channels, which means it is quick and easy to ask questions and find resources in the relevant place.

Read on for five reasons why you should jump into our Global Slack platform!

Join our Global Slack here!

Connect with CoderDojo community members near and far

Have you ever been curious about how different volunteers around the world are running their Dojo? With specific regional channels you can keep up to date with CoderDojo activities in your area. You can even join the #dojo-buddies channel to get paired up with a different community member once a month!

We also have topic channels where you can chat with the wider community. So while you may be involved in just one Dojo, with our Global Slack you will feel a part of something bigger.

Share your experience and get ideas

Sharing knowledge and learning from others is important to our ethos as an open source community. Our Slack platform is the perfect place to start a group discussion, give feedback, or share a piece of content you found useful.

By sharing your experience, you will be helping others around the world and vice versa. In addition, you can also share photos and stories from your Dojo sessions!

In Global Slack, conversations are organised into different channels

Conversations, not distractions

Slack is available as an app, allowing you to have it on your mobile device, or laptop without having the browser open. It also allows you to control exactly what notifications you get. You can opt in to notifications when top #announcements are made, when someone specifically writes to you, or not at all! Slack also has no ads so you won’t get distracted while finding new resources or getting the answer to an important question.

Choose what notifications you receive

Get new resources & offerings

With channels dedicated to #training_and_learning, #community-content and #dojo-resources, you can keep up to date with the latest offerings. This can include content from the Foundation, and also resources which other volunteers have created and shared. Typical resources include project ideas, video tutorials, and translated content. Likewise, if you have a resource you’d like to share, or an idea for a piece of training, these are very welcome!

Learn best practices & get answers to queries

Global Slack is a great place to get information on best practice, such as activities to help get more girls involved in your club, or volunteer background checking in your region. There is almost always someone who has experienced something similar, and they may be able to offer advice. We also have a #foundation-support channel where the CoderDojo Foundation team can assist you with practical matters directly.

Our Global Slack is an open, friendly, and informal space where you can ask questions about all things CoderDojo! With over 1,500 members, there is always someone who can chime in and help you with your query. 

The CoderDojo Foundation team are ready to answer all your queries!

We couldn’t fit all the benefits into just five points so here are some other perks to being on our Global Slack:

  • Get in touch with Foundation members directly
  • Jump on voice and video calls within the app
  • Get #news updates from our blog and Twitter within Slack
  • Take part in polls to share your feedback quickly and let the Foundation know what resources you’re interested in
  • Find important and useful resources pinned in channels


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