Community Content Release: Getting Creative

Looking for something different to try at your Dojo? Look no further! From storytelling to making music with code, you can really get the creative juices flowing with these resources by our wonderful volunteers.


Storytelling with Twine

Twine is a program that you can use to write interactive stories where the reader chooses what happens! It’s great for all levels and ages: you can create a simple story without writing any code, but you can also use CSS and JavaScript to extend your stories and design how they look.

Twine is open source and free to use. Try it out with this introduction by Claire Quigley and Martin Goodfellow of CoderDojo Scotland.





Sonic Pi

Sonic Pi is a musical instrument with a difference… it’s a synthesiser that you play by writing code! “Sound” interesting? Check out these resources to help you get started.

Sonic Pi is free to download and can be installed on Raspberry Pi, macOS, Windows and Linux.



What have you been creating?

If this has inspired you to share some content that you’ve made, feel free to send it to me via email to [email protected] or post it in the forums. As always, I’d love to hear from you!


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