Flyers! Flyers! Flyers!

When preparing for this year’s Coolest Projects I created a bunch of flyers for the Foundation’s stand (I also gave a presentation on Mentoring without tech skills—the slides are here). They summarise useful information for various groups in the CoderDojo movement. We thought it might be useful for us to share them with the community so you can print your own copies for any events you may be involved in, etc.

For prospective Dojo attendees

This one was created to give some basic information about learning to code and CoderDojo and is aimed mostly at older children and parents, so they can get an understanding of why they might want to get involved with CoderDojo. You can download it here.

For potential Volunteers

This one is for anyone, with or without technical skills, who might be interested in becoming a Volunteer or Mentor at a Dojo. It gives them information on how they might help out and how to find a Dojo near them, or set one up if necessary. You can download it here.

For existing members of the CoderDojo Movement

This one is for existing members of the CoderDojo Movement and lists all the services and supports the Foundation offers that they might not already be aware of so as they can start using them, if they like. You can download it here.

Are there any other pieces of information we should have had on any of these that we missed? Common questions you get that you’d like a quick answer to? Let us know!

Philip waves some flyers aroundAlso, Nuala made me do a gif

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