New Web Safety & Inclusion Policy Resources

How is everyone??!!! Ross here, one of your two community leads at the CoderDojo Foundation.

We are coming to end of April, where has the time gone!!!!??? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Well, last week I released as I am sure you are all well aware of as you read all my posts 😛  lots of Erasmus+ goodies such as Best Practice Sushi Cards that I created and on top of that, two, not just one but TWO!! E+ Reports!!! One on Recognition to Prior Learning from Cork Institute of Technology and another report on Recommend Practice from Wimi5. If you missed this go here.

But that is not what I am writing about today. I have more!! 😀 As part of the revamp to “CoderDojo Tao” this September, I have created two new policies that Dojos and affiliated CoderDojo entities can adopt. One is an Inclusion Policy, because at CoderDojo we love and welcome everybody in our community! What makes CoderDojo amazing! 🙂  The second is a CoderDojo Web Safety Policy because when all those awesome community members come to our Dojos and make CoderDojo more awesome we want them to all be safe using online tools and the internet in a CoderDojo setting and in general.

As always, I love feedback! Annoy me, harass me, tell me your thoughts, I want them! So ping me directly on CoderDojo Global Slack

I hope everyone in the CoderDojo community is doing great! and most importantly I hope you all have great weekend creating COOL CODE!

From your friendly neighborhood community lead, Ross! 🙂


| –> CoderDojo Inclusion Policy <– |

| –> CoderDojo Web Safety Policy <– |

Click Them!! 😛


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