April: Focus on Online Safety & Dojo Recommended Practices

Online Safety Tips & Advice:

The internet has become an integral part of lives of young people around the world. Young people start using computers from an early age and are increasingly using the internet whether at home, in school, or on their mobile phones. This month one of our focuses is on online safety. Parents and volunteers should understand enough about the internet to keep young people safe from harm. It is equally important that we equip youths with skills and knowledge so they can utilise the internet positively and responsibly.

The internet is a significant part of how young people spend their free time and offers many positive opportunities for learning and socialisation. While teenagers are the age group that use the internet most, nowadays even small children use computers, tablets and mobile phones regularly. By raising awareness of online safety with younger children, it will help them avoid making mistakes and learn how to use the internet safely and more effectively as they get older.

This month we will be releasing

Best practices for Dojos:

Dojos are run by volunteer Mentors and Champions from communities all across the world. It is vital, in order to keep Dojos a fun and safe social space, that all adults involved with the Dojo are aware of the best practices for safeguarding the young people attending their Dojos.

As part of our Erasmus+ projectTraining in ICT Programming Skills” Dojos worldwide developed an extensive set of guiding principles that Dojos can consult and choose to meet. These E+ Recommended Practices are styled in the ‘Sushi Card’ format, and serve as a guide for new and existing Dojos in the areas of Recruitment, Dojo development, Child Protection, Recognition, Entrepreneurship & Dissemination.

Separate to these extensive practices recommended by Dojos themselves, we have updated policy documents that Dojos can learn from, and are part of CoderDojo Tao! These best practice principles were piloted in Summer/Autumn 2014 and launched in Summer 2015. This month we are releasing the updated versions of these policy documents ahead of the full relaunch of CoderDojo Tao in September.

This month we will be releasing:

What’s next?

This month we will also be starting work on our new E-learning Module focusing on Safeguarding Children. If you have any insights or thoughts in relation to this applicable to CoderDojos around the world then please do let us know here. You can also share your online safety & best practices tips on our forums to win a CoderDojo book in one of four languages here.

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