Launching Our Erasmus+ Toolkit videos

As many of you be aware, (particularly if you participated in the best practice and toolkit  surveys throughout 2015), CoderDojo is involved in an Erasmus+ project. The project is focused on determining and disseminating best practices from the CoderDojo movement across Europe.

As part of this, Toolkit videos are being created. Two videos have been developed so far, with more currently in the process of being made. You can see the two videos below:

“A key part of the Coderdojo Erasmus + project is around providing practical guidance to both existing and new Dojo’s. It’s vital that this information is not just rooted in best practice experience, but also that it is accessible to the widest possible audience. The short video guides that we are producing ensure that audiences across Europe can access short, focused, information in their own language to help them in running their Dojo’s and empowering young people with new creative digital skills.’- John Peto, Director of the Nerve Centre and CoderDojo Erasmus+ Partner.

For more on our Erasmus+ project and future videos, follow #CoderDojoEPlus.

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