Creating new Content thanks to the Riot Impact Challenge

During May of 2016 the Foundation team have worked with Riot Games Dublin on a hugely impactful 24hr helpathon to push forward some of our backlog projects.

Recently Riot Games choose The CoderDojo Foundation as one of four charitable organisations to be involved in their new CSR initiative, the ‘Impact Challenge’. This initiative aims to provide funding and support for four non-profit organizations working on different areas of social impact, including, coding education, mental wellbeing and support for issues around online abuse.

“After scouting potential allies working in social impact, we found four non-profits who care deeply about the same issues RIOT and players agree are important.”

Jeffrey Burrell, Riot Games

What next?

With the support we receive from this exciting initiative we will be working on several new projects and supporting existing ones. We will be creating new content pathways for the community and with this in mind we want your feedback.

bento_boxOne new type of Content the Impact Challenge will support is The Bento Box! The Ninja chooses an objective, for example becoming a video game developer,  and the Bento Box lays out the skills they will need to do that along with the Sushi Cards, Paths, and other resources they can use to learn those skills. The box culminates in a major challenge for the Ninja (for example building a sophisticated, well designed, multi-level video game), that should take many Dojos to complete.

How can you give your input?

Bento Boxes are intended to be a built-in feature of the resources section of the CoderDojo website by the end of 2017 and will start appearing in a prototype form on Kata long before that. Philip, our content lead, is hoping you can help him in deciding what to build the first few Bento Boxes about, by giving your suggestions.

Give your Bento Box Suggestions!

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