Launching a New UI

CoderDojo’s Technical team has been incredibly busy over the last while working on making our community platform more user friendly. The idea is to improve the usability of the Platform for all our community members, from ninjas, parents and mentors to Dojo Champions. Improving our user interface (UI) will make filling in sections, such as Dojo events and ticketing quicker with a cleaner layout for ease of use.

The Tech team will be slowly releasing new updated pages to the community platform throughout August so don’t be worried if you see the Platform change in some areas but not others.

Here are a sample of the wire frames that are the basis of our new UI:

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Final completion will be in early September.

The redesign will allow users to navigate easily and manage their profiles, book into Dojos or manage their Dojo if they are a mentor/Champion.

Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 18.44.16

You can join the discussion about our new UI on our forums.

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