What’s new on Zen ?

Our June 2016 update is focussing on stabilising and improving the user flows in Zen.  Here is a quick overview of what you may have missed which has recently been added to Zen. Hope you’ll enjoy it!

New workflow for booking

One of the main issues for parents previously was for them to book without previously registering. We’ve changed by integrating a more fluid workflow that allows you to register and book in one flow and it goes back to an event page after the registration process so you don’t forget why you were there in the first place!
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Embedding data

One of current requests is to open our API and we are currently working on this. As a first step we made it easier to embed data for most of the use-cases. It’s now possible to embed events and maps directly from Zen through an iframe.
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Here we just copy pasted the content of the embedded link given in the previous gif, and tada!

Enhancement of the map search

The main item of our homepage allows users to look for a dojo via a map. While it’s not perfect, yet, we added a more refined algorithm in order to filter the results based upon your location. This makes less mistakes and you won’t be brought to a Dojo listing in Australia when you are in Ireland!

Auto-awarding of badges

We don’t know abuot you but we love badges. We have now simplified our attendances badges so as soon as you are checking in on Zen for the required amount of times you will be automatically awarded a badge. There we go mentors and kids, free badges!

Export for users

Champions need to manage their dojos through a few channels. The main communication channel so far between dojo attendants and champions is email. Now you can export your list of attendees to be able to directly contact them!




Copy Events

We already announced it on Intercom, but twice is better than once! Dojo administrators can avoid manually creating an event but simply duplicate an existing one! What a time saver!

All of those features are meant to be evolving, we’re open to any feedback and hungry of those!


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