Improving Zen, the community platform!

We’ve been working hard on improving Zen, the community platform over the past few months.

We’ve rearranged your Dojo listing so that it is easier to navigate and understand!

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We just released a new feature where you can send details about your event application to Dojo administrators. The feature is based on community feedback and was completed by a volunteer on the official development team.

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We made some other tweaks this quarter, including some technical improvements:

  • Refined communication with all users through Intercom
  • Portuguese and German translations added
  • Added unit testing for the events section
  • Stability and security improvements
  • Upgrade to use Hapi and upgrade to Seneca, the frameworks we use
  • Redesign of ticket system to allow multiple sessions and ticket types
  • Included some new Mozilla Open Badges!

We also ran two hackathons this quarter and plan to run many more next year!

Next year we are planning to build many new features and improve the design of Zen so it will be more intuitive and easy to use.
Here’s a snippet of what we are planning in the first quarter of 2016:

  • Redesign of profile view. This includes making it more visible what fields are viewable and to which people on Zen.
  • Automatic awarding of badges based on attendance of Zen events
  • Redesign and restructuring of navigation
  • New event application flow, in particular targeted at new users

Tell us what Features you’d like to see on Zen next year below!

If you know anyone who would like to get involved with the project, send them on the link to the Github repository! Zen is featured on 24pullrequests so don’t forget to connect your Github profile to 24pullrequests so you can earn digital badges for your contributions.

You can also learn more about the project by viewing our Technical Lead’s latest talk at DublinJS.

Thank you so much to our volunteers on the project so far!

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