Community Committee: Positive discussion and active community involvement.

We want the Community’s feedback on this topic. At this moment the structure and terms and conditions for the committee are provisional. At the next call we will discuss this document and finalise on an agreed structure. Contact us about the community Committee by emailing [email protected].

What is the Community Committee?

The community committee is a semi structured group of active CoderDojo community members whose purpose is to guide and advise the CoderDojo Foundation on certain key decisions. The Committee acts as an ear on the ground within the community and gives information about the needs, challenges and operations of the CoderDojo community in certain regions. They also engage in discussion on proposed resource development and assist with policy development relating the CoderDojo community.

What areas will the Community Committee assist on?

CoderDojo Foundation wants the community to have as much input as possible, this is why the Committee will be included in discussions relating to major strategic decisions which have a direct impact on the community. A good example of this is the CoderDojo Charter, this was developed as a basic set of terms & conditions that all Dojos agree to when registering their club on Zen. CoderDojo Foundation wrote an initial draft of this Charter and then went to the community for feedback and advice. Based on the discussion had with the group the Charter has now been amended. It now exists on Zen and all Dojos must agree to it when registering on the site.

Committee Composition

Currently the only set requirement in place is that all Committee members are active CoderDojo community members; this means that they are currently actively involved in an up and running Dojo/number of Dojos. We would ask that only one community member from a region nominates themselves to be on the Committee, the reason for this being that we want the Committee to be a fair representative of the global CoderDojo community as possible. If the Committee begins to grow to a size too large to be manageable and for positive and constructive discussion to take place, then it will be the responsibility of the Committee to devise a procedure for selecting or rotating members.

Below are the community members who are presently on the Committee:

We would ask that no more community members from the Republic of Ireland put themselves forward at this time so that the Committee can aim to be a proportionate representative of the global CoderDojo community.

Provisional Terms & Conditions

These are the provisional structure, terms and conditions that CoderDojo Foundation is recommending:

  • There will be four 1 hour calls per year in the following months:
    • February 2014
    • May 2014
    • August 2014
    • November 2014

  • Each call will have a theme/item and set agenda for discussion set by CoderDojo Foundation based on current projects.
  • All members will be asked to submit any questions two weeks prior to the call, if a question/topic is suggested by more than one member it will be included on the agenda.
  • All Committee members will be required to familiarise themselves with the agenda to ensure that each member is given an opportunity to speak on each topic.
  • Each meeting will be facilitated by a CoderDojo Foundation staff member who will ensure the meeting follows the agenda.
  • Notes will be taken and posted to the CoderDojo organisers Google Group  within two weeks of the call.
  • CoderDojo Foundation will communicate with the committee members when necessary via email/Google group/forum as necessary
  • Committee members will be expected to raise any concerns arising in their regions, enabling CoderDojo Foundation to be proactive in resolving them.
  • Unless it has become an issue relevant to the entire community and is added as a topic for discussion, any grievances with the CoderDojo Foundation are not to be discussed in this setting but feel free to contact us directly. These meetings are for constructive discussion with the aim of benefiting the global CoderDojo community.
  • Committee members should be motivated solely by the aim of benefiting the CoderDojo community and any decisions made in regard to this should not be affected by members involvement with any outside organisations.

Next Community Committee Call

Two topics to be discussed during the next community committee call:

Topic 1: Community Committee Format, Structure, Terms and Conditions

Topic 2:  Dojo Quality Standards/Affiliation

 If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing [email protected].

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