Can you help? Call for laptops, USB keys, extension cords – Limerick dojo

Do you have an old laptop or netbook taking up space in a cupboard at home? Or maybe your company has some older laptops no longer used or might be thinking about upgrading at the moment? Why are we asking?

We need old laptops! We need these because some kids don’t have anything portable or any computer at all. They still want to learn and we still want to help. You can help us by donating older laptops or netbooks to us. We will have them professionally wiped clean and put to better use than gathering dust in a cupboard.

We would also appreciate any donations of clean USB keys (for kids to take work home to desktop in the absence of a laptop) or extension cords for use in LIT Downtown Centre as our numbers continue to increase.

If you can help us we’d really appreciate it! If you’re curious about Coder Dojo come along some Saturday – bring your kids! We’re hoping that more involvement from the local Limerick business community, either through donations of equipment or time at Dojo sessions, will reap benefits for both the kids to whom we are teaching an increasingly vital lifeskill and for those businesses continuing into the future.

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